NH Summit on Digital Equity for Financial, Economic and Educational Opportunity
Building a High Skill, High Wage Economy for All
Tuesday, October 9th, 2018
Comcast Conference Center in Manchester NH
Comcast Conference Center in Manchester NH
Watch this page for registration information coming soon!
The summit is made possible through generous support from:
Connection Public Sector Solutions
Comcast Internet Essentials
Comcast Internet Essentials
Summit Partners
American Association of School Administrators
Connection Public Sector Solutions
Media Power Youth
National Collaborative for Digital Equity
National School Boards Association
New England School Library Association
New Hampshire Bankers Association
New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs, Economic Development Division
New Hampshire Department of Education, Office of Education Technology
New Hampshire Department of Information Technology
New Hampshire School Boards Association
New Hampshire School Connectivity Initiative
New Hampshire Society for Technology in Education
Sage Sustainable Electronics
American Association of School Administrators
Connection Public Sector Solutions
Media Power Youth
National Collaborative for Digital Equity
National School Boards Association
New England School Library Association
New Hampshire Bankers Association
New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs, Economic Development Division
New Hampshire Department of Education, Office of Education Technology
New Hampshire Department of Information Technology
New Hampshire School Boards Association
New Hampshire School Connectivity Initiative
New Hampshire Society for Technology in Education
Sage Sustainable Electronics
- Engage state leaders and policy makers in financial and economic inclusion, banking, digital equity, education, workforce and community development, and philanthropy in exploring why and how best to support integrated approaches to financial, economic, educational and digital inclusion in high poverty communities.
- Support grassroots leadership teams in low and moderate income (LMI) communities from across these sectors to begin framing local strategies for integrated financial, economic and digital inclusion.
- Familiarize leading resource providers in financial, economic and digital inclusion with one another’s offerings and explore how best to support state and local LMI leaders in devising and carrying out integrated inclusion plans leveraging these resources.
- Determine next steps to sustain a statewide support network for LMI teams undertaking integrated inclusion.
7:45 – 8:15 am Registration, breakfast and resource showcase set-up
8:15 – 8:30 am Welcome and brief agenda walk-through: (live streamed and recorded)* Dr. Paul Resta, chair NCDE board, and Dr. Bob McLaughlin, NCDE executive director. Carol Miller, chair, New Hampshire School Connectivity Initiative.
8:30 – 8:40 a.m. NH Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut: On the role of digital equity in educational opportunity and success in the digital age:
8:40 – 8:45 a.m. Barrett Christina, executive director, NH School Boards Association. On the school board’s key role in sustained community partnerships for digital equity and educational and economic opportunity.
8:45 – 9:20 a.m. Barry Wides, Deputy Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States Treasury Department, introduced by NH Banking Commissioner Gerald H. Little. Keynote address (via videoconference): Eliminating Digital Divide Barriers to Financial and Economic Inclusion, (live streamed and recorded)*
9:20 – 9:30 a.m. Framing the morning concurrent breakout discussions. Dr. Bob McLaughlin (live streamed and recorded)*
9:30 – 10:40 a.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions (refreshments available throughout the
10:40 – 11:00 a.m. Concurrent groups report out (live streamed and recorded)*
11:00 am – noon Showcase: Exemplary Financial, Economic and Digital Inclusion Resource Providers
12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Lunch
12:40 – 12:55 p.m. Luncheon Panel Discussion: Essential Dimensions of a Systemic Approach to Digital Equity
12:55 – 1:10 p.m. Panel Q & A
1:15 – 1:25 p.m. Framing the afternoon concurrent breakout discussions. Dr. Paul Resta (live streamed and recorded)*
1:25 – 2:55 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions (refreshments available throughout the afternoon)
2:55 – 3:20 p.m. Concurrent groups report out (live streamed and recorded)*
3:20 – 3:45 p.m. Wrap-up and next steps (and door prizes): Drs. Paul Resta and Bob McLaughlin (live streamed and recorded)*
8:15 – 8:30 am Welcome and brief agenda walk-through: (live streamed and recorded)* Dr. Paul Resta, chair NCDE board, and Dr. Bob McLaughlin, NCDE executive director. Carol Miller, chair, New Hampshire School Connectivity Initiative.
8:30 – 8:40 a.m. NH Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut: On the role of digital equity in educational opportunity and success in the digital age:
8:40 – 8:45 a.m. Barrett Christina, executive director, NH School Boards Association. On the school board’s key role in sustained community partnerships for digital equity and educational and economic opportunity.
8:45 – 9:20 a.m. Barry Wides, Deputy Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, United States Treasury Department, introduced by NH Banking Commissioner Gerald H. Little. Keynote address (via videoconference): Eliminating Digital Divide Barriers to Financial and Economic Inclusion, (live streamed and recorded)*
9:20 – 9:30 a.m. Framing the morning concurrent breakout discussions. Dr. Bob McLaughlin (live streamed and recorded)*
9:30 – 10:40 a.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions (refreshments available throughout the
- LMI Community Teams: What are our communities’ greatest barriers to financial, economic and digital inclusion? Facilitated by Jenelle Leonard.
- State leaders and policy makers: What are the most salient policy and programmatic initiatives in NH to address financial, economic and digital inclusion? Facilitated by Dr. Bob McLaughlin
- Resource providers: What key resources does each participating provider bring to financial, economic and/or digital inclusion? Facilitated by Dr. Paul Resta
10:40 – 11:00 a.m. Concurrent groups report out (live streamed and recorded)*
11:00 am – noon Showcase: Exemplary Financial, Economic and Digital Inclusion Resource Providers
12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Lunch
12:40 – 12:55 p.m. Luncheon Panel Discussion: Essential Dimensions of a Systemic Approach to Digital Equity
- Susan Ballard, past president American Association of School Librarians
- Linda Gerstle, chief executive officer, CAST
- Dr. Dennis Harper, executive director, GenYes
- Lisa Trisciani, vice president of field sales, Connection Public Sector Solutions
- David Urbanowicz, director of external affairs and strategic partnerships, Comcast
- Jill Vaske´, chief executive officer, Sage Sustainable Electronics
12:55 – 1:10 p.m. Panel Q & A
1:15 – 1:25 p.m. Framing the afternoon concurrent breakout discussions. Dr. Paul Resta (live streamed and recorded)*
1:25 – 2:55 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions (refreshments available throughout the afternoon)
- LMI Community Teams: How can we draw on resource providers and state leaders to advance our goals? What do state leaders, policy makers and resource providers most need to know about our priority concerns and goals?
- State leaders and policy makers: How can we foster sustained coordination of financial, economic and digital inclusion policy & action? What support do we need?
- Resource providers: How can we collaborate with one another in order to provide coherent, integrated support to LMI teams, state leaders and policy makers?
2:55 – 3:20 p.m. Concurrent groups report out (live streamed and recorded)*
3:20 – 3:45 p.m. Wrap-up and next steps (and door prizes): Drs. Paul Resta and Bob McLaughlin (live streamed and recorded)*