NCDE's Guide to CRA Grantmaking for Digital Equity and Economic Opportunity (4th Edition)
Pew Research Center's Internet and Technology report, "Stories from Experts about the Impact of Digital Life" (July 3, 2018)
"What is Low- or Moderate-Income or 'LMI'?" posted June 25, 2018
Bank Financing for Rural Broadband Initiatives, 6 minute video produced by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, April 9, 2018.
A short interview on digital equity with NCDE co-founder Robert McLaughlin (March 2018).
U.S. Department of the Treasury Memo: Community Reinvestment Act - Findings and Recommendations, April 3, 2018
Signs of Digital Distress: Mapping broadband availability and subscription in America's neighborhoods Brookings Institution report (September 2017)
Federal statute for the Community Reinvestment Act
The 2016 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report: Advancing Equitable Financial Ecosystems (2016) by John D. Villasenor, Darrell M. West, and Robin J. Lewis, Brookings Institute.
The Broadband Imperative II: Equitable Access for Learning (2016) by the State Education Technology Directors Association.
Closing the Digital Divide: A Framework for Meeting CRA Obligations (2016) by Jordana Barton, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Collective Impact and the New Generation of Cross-Sector Collaborations for Education: A Nationwide Scan (2016) by Jeffrey R. Henig, Carolyn J. Riehl, David M. Houston, Michael A. Rebell, and Jessica R. Wolff, Teachers College, Columbia University.
The Collective Impact Framework by the Centre for Social Impact, Social Leadership Australia.
Digital Inclusion Framework by the Technology and Social Change Group, University of Washington.
How Digital Equity Can Close the Achievement Gap by Keith R. Krueger and Maria Bjerede in THE Journal, September 2015.
NMC/COSN Horizon Report 2016 K-12 Edition by the New Media Consortium and Consortium on School Networking, and examines emerging technologies for their potential impact on and use in teaching, learning, and creative inquiry in schools
Raising the Voices of School Librarians in the Digital Equity Conversation (2016) by Carol Gordon, Massachusetts School Library Association.
Using Technology to Support At-Risk Students' Learning (2016) by Linda Darling-Hammond, Molly B. Zielezinski, and Shelley Goldman. Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education.
"What is Low- or Moderate-Income or 'LMI'?" posted June 25, 2018
Bank Financing for Rural Broadband Initiatives, 6 minute video produced by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, April 9, 2018.
A short interview on digital equity with NCDE co-founder Robert McLaughlin (March 2018).
U.S. Department of the Treasury Memo: Community Reinvestment Act - Findings and Recommendations, April 3, 2018
Signs of Digital Distress: Mapping broadband availability and subscription in America's neighborhoods Brookings Institution report (September 2017)
Federal statute for the Community Reinvestment Act
The 2016 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report: Advancing Equitable Financial Ecosystems (2016) by John D. Villasenor, Darrell M. West, and Robin J. Lewis, Brookings Institute.
The Broadband Imperative II: Equitable Access for Learning (2016) by the State Education Technology Directors Association.
Closing the Digital Divide: A Framework for Meeting CRA Obligations (2016) by Jordana Barton, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Collective Impact and the New Generation of Cross-Sector Collaborations for Education: A Nationwide Scan (2016) by Jeffrey R. Henig, Carolyn J. Riehl, David M. Houston, Michael A. Rebell, and Jessica R. Wolff, Teachers College, Columbia University.
The Collective Impact Framework by the Centre for Social Impact, Social Leadership Australia.
Digital Inclusion Framework by the Technology and Social Change Group, University of Washington.
How Digital Equity Can Close the Achievement Gap by Keith R. Krueger and Maria Bjerede in THE Journal, September 2015.
NMC/COSN Horizon Report 2016 K-12 Edition by the New Media Consortium and Consortium on School Networking, and examines emerging technologies for their potential impact on and use in teaching, learning, and creative inquiry in schools
Raising the Voices of School Librarians in the Digital Equity Conversation (2016) by Carol Gordon, Massachusetts School Library Association.
Using Technology to Support At-Risk Students' Learning (2016) by Linda Darling-Hammond, Molly B. Zielezinski, and Shelley Goldman. Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education.